Ace Backstag ISO104BBX, Double Wide Backbox with Isolation Bracket Installed

SKU:  ae00-157546
Manufacturer Part #:  ISO104BBX

ACE Backstage ISO104BBX Double Wide Stage Pocket Back Box with AC Isolation Bracket 10.000"W X 18.000"L X 6.000"D

Ace Backstage products are very specialized and come in many configurations. Our in-house specialist is Bill Evans at our Charlotte showroom. We encourage customers to talk with Bill to make sure you are ordering the correct items needed for installs. Please contact Bill and SE Systems at 1-800-662-1312 for advice and help with Ace Backstage Products. Click for Ace Backstage Website

Isolated ACE Back Boxes (ISOXXXBBX) include a galvaneal steel separation bracket mounted inside the back box to provide isolation between high and low voltage for ACE Stage Pockets. Installing ISO Back Boxes during the rough-in stage of construction saves the installer time and hassle in the finish-stage. High voltage conduit can enter the back box through combination knockouts on one side of the back box and low voltage through the opposite side. The connector and AC panels can be terminated and left inside the ISO back box until carpet is laid or floors are finished. In the final finish stage the installer can pull the terminated connector panels through the back access opening in the ACE Pocket and secure the pocket bezel to the finished floor.

The Isolation Bracket sits tightly beneath the pocket inside the back box to maintain secure separation of high and low voltage ensuring manual isolation.

*Not suitable for Mini or Half Back Box applications.

CLEARANCE VOLUME: Standard Stage Pocket body assemblies are 4.5" deep while the Back Box is 6" deep providing 1.5" work clearance in the bottom of the Back Boxes making them ideal for feed thru or distribution junctions. Clearance volumes for individual Pocket/Back Box assemblies are as follows:

  • #ISO102BBX Back Box with Full Pocket Clearance volume: 144 Cubic Inches
  • #ISO104BBX Back Box with Double Wide Pocket Clearance volume: 260 Cubic Inches
  • #ISO102DDBBX Back Box with Full Pocket Clearance volume: 722 Cubic Inches
  • #ISO104DDBBX Back Box with Double Wide Pocket Clearance volume: 1308 Cubic Inches
  • #ISO1028BBX Back Box with Full Pocket Clearance volume: 338 Cubic Inches
  • #ISO1048BBX Back Box with Double Wide Pocket Clearance volume: 613 Cubic Inches

DURABLE CONSTRUCTION: ACE Standard Back Boxes (#BBX) are made from tough welded 14 gauge steel (.071" thick). Ace Standard AC Isolation Brackets (#ISOBRKTx) are made from 16 gauge galvaneal (.064" thick).

ELECTRICAL KNOCKOUTS: ACE Standard Back Boxes come with standard Electrical Conduit Combination Knockouts. 1/2" 3/4" 1" and 1-1/4" Knock Outs multiple places typical on opposing sides. 1/2" and 3/4" Knock Outs multiple places typical on opposing sides.

PROTECTIVE COVER: Included with all ACE Back Boxes is a disposable protective cover. Finished in the same corrosion resistant zinc as the back box itself the cover protects the box until the stage pocket is installed in the finish-stage of construction.

Manufacturer:Ace Backstage Co., Inc.


Call 800.662.1312 to Order
SKU:  ae00-157546^ACE ISO104BBX
Manufacturer Part #:  ISO104BBX
Weight:  18.00
Price: $412.52

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